The Moon is our closest cosmic neighbor, and only natural satellite, but it is more than just a big, beautiful light in the night sky! Its power is visible as it hovers above us, all round and full of illuminating light, and its mystery is given spotlight as it seemingly disappears for a few nights each month.
The rhythm of the Moon’s phases has guided humanity for millennia. We know that calendar months are roughly equal to the time it takes to go from one Full Moon to the next, thanks to ancient civilizations mapping and calculating how long it takes to rotate on its axis and orbit the earth. Even more amazingly, is the power the Moon’s gravity has as it pulls on the planet and her oceans, causing tides here on Earth.
With our bodies being made up of about 60%-65% percent water (75%-78% in infants and young children), it isn’t hard to see why the Moon would also have a large effect on us energetically as well. Looking back over ancient civilizations, we see so many cultures that revered nature and her elements. They worshiped the Sun, Moon, stars and Mother Earth with a wide range of goddesses and gods.
My particular ancestral background doesn’t seem to have a dedicated god or goddess of the Moon as most other cultures do…so I began doing research around the different cycles of the Moon, the energies they hold, and how I could use this in my everyday life based on the scientific knowledge that the Moon’s energetic pull already had.
What I began to discover is that each cycle grants us the ability to “reincarnate” ourselves. It didn’t seem to matter that everything was going wrong, or that we were in a rut, because if I learned to match my intention around what energy was already being offered from the Moon, then I was offered a clean slate – one that purified energy and aided in reflection.
Moon Cycles and How to Use Them in Everyday Life
New Moon: This energy brings a great time to set intentions, create goals, or begin new projects for the next cycle. I like to refer to this time as one for “planting the seed.” This is where I focus my energy on what my desires are. During this time, sitting with your guides in meditation will ensure that the desires and intentions we have for the New Moon are ones that are for our highest good.
Waxing Moon: This is the phase directly following the New Moon where we begin to see it grow. (I remember this with “wax on.” What can I say? I am an 80’s baby, I love Karate Kid!) During this energy phase, we focus our intentions on nurturing those “seeds” we planted during the New Moon. This is an extremely important time in the cycle and one that is often overlooked by most that practice “Moon Magic.” During this time, we focus on a gratitude mindset – working and being thankful for what we currently have in our lives. Having a gratitude mindset is a powerful law of attraction exercise. Doing this will raise your vibration and brings you into harmony with the energy of the universe and that which is for your highest good.
Full Moon: During a Full Moon, the Moon is opposite of the Sun and reflects its light. This is why it appears fully illuminated. At this point the Moon is at the peak of her energy! What makes this energy so intense is that the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the zodiac. This can cause what we see in some people as challenging and intense aspects, but also a harmonious balance – think Yin and Yang energy. Because of this amazingly wonderful, intense energy, this is the best time to release that which no longer serves us.
Waning Moon: This is the phase directly following the Full Moon where the Moon appears to gradually decrease in size. During this phase is the perfect time to slow your energy down and move inward for a time of reflection, review, and contemplation. In my research I found that this phase of the Moon’s cycle is also an often forgotten one. For me this is a time to work on having a Positive Mindset. Honor your strengths and the things that you have accomplished during this cycle. Take the time to learn and recognize within yourself any thoughts, behaviors, negative thinking, bad habits, or stress. By recognizing this “shadow” side of yourself, you are able to learn ways to turn them into positives. Remember positive beliefs are one of the most powerful keys in manifesting. Understand that we attract not what we want, but who we are!